The Sign

We have been talking about a sign for the property for almost two years. Like many other aspects of the property we knew we wanted to construct the sign ourselves and include a connection to the history of the property if we could. Over the course of the past couple years, we have enjoyed looking at and discussing other signs we have seen and what we liked or maybe did not like about them in an effort to bring our vision to life.
We came across letters that we really liked the style of at a winery tasting room in the Finger Lakes wine region in New York. With these letters as our inspiration, I was able to work with MBGC metal fabricators in Lewiston, Maine to design our letters (they also made brackets for beams in our barn). We received the completed metal letters last Fall. Each letter is one foot high. Over the course of a couple weeks, I was able to get them all primed and then painted with several coats of black paint.
Chad had a plan for the wooden structure of the sign and had hoped to finish it last Fall, however other projects took priority so it became a winter project. He had been sourcing boards from wood we salvaged when the hay lofts and animal stalls were removed. Then as a result of having to move and replace some of the beams in the barn he knew he could use one of the original beams for the sides or legs.
Chad used biscuits to join three, thirteen foot long barn boards as the back drop for the letters. Then he attached those boards to the beam legs. Lots of sanding took place before and after everything was put together. He then utilized spacers to lift the letters and give them a floating effect. We have sealed everything with a few coats of urethane and will need to apply more to help protect these old boards.

Now as you approach the property, the sign is one of the first things that you see! It is right along the rock wall that borders the property; the upper vineyard is in the background with the house, barn and Bear Mountain beyond.

We were so excited to be able to put the sign in place just before our recent styled shoot and we were able to capture a few pictures with our models. Stay tuned for the professional pictures!

If you have been considering Bonaventura Vineyards as your wedding or event venue location, you can now capture a memorable photo with our new sign! We do still have availability for 2019 and are actively booking for 2020, contact us today for a tour.
As always thank you for your interest in Bonaventura Vineyards!
Jen Bonaventura